Sunday, September 2, 2012
Our 8th Graders Used an Awesome Web 2.0 Tool in Language Class
Right down the hall in Mr. Erickson's classroom, the 8th graders have been creating literacy Wordles to share their learning from their "What is Literacy?" unit that Mr Erickson adapted from a neighboring teacher, Mrs. Fluckey. The eighth graders did an awesome job with their Wordles. Mr. Erickson wanted to find an easy way for his students to share their Wordles with each other, so that they could see all of them and vote on the best literacy Wordle creation. After discussing different options with me, Mr. Erickson decided that he would embed all the Wordles on his class Wiki.
The eighth graders used the advanced feature in Wordle. They were able to make their words or phrases different sizes and better able to make the focus of their Wordle stand out more.
Next, they had to choose a color scheme and font that would stand out and be easy to read.
When they were finished with their Wordles, they saved them to the public gallery. They copied the embed code that appeared after saving them to the public gallery and emailed the code to Mr. Erickson.
Mr. Erickson then added the embed codes to his Wiki by inserting a widget and pasting the codes that his students sent him into the html code box. This is what his Wiki page now looks like. You can click on the image below to be directed to Mr. Erickson's Wiki page.