All reading students in Ms. Sickels class learned how to use Google Docs as the tool they will use for their reading journals. Ms. Sickels came to me wondering how she could make the reading journal process a little easier for her students and her. We discussed the option of allowing her students to use Google Docs. Ms. Sickels liked the idea, so she got busy creating documents for each student in her 6th and 7th grade reading classes. She then shared the documents with her students. Ms. Sickels had to go about it this way with her 6th and 7th graders due to COPPA regulations.
We went through the differences between Google Docs and Microsoft Word. We talked about how their Google Doc Reading Journal is a collaborative document that can be viewed and edited at the same time by more than one person.
All reading students will now use this Google Doc to complete their reading journals, thus eliminating all the emailing back and forth between the students and Ms. Sickels.