Monday, September 17, 2012
What I learned at the GHAEA Teacher Librarian Workshop...
Ann Petersen and I had the opportunity to attend the GHAEA Teacher Librarian workshop that was held on September 13th in Red Oak. I gained so many new and exciting ideas that I cannot wait to get started on! Our AEA now has a subscription with Mackin Via! Just click on this link and enter your school's AEA username and password. You will be directed to the Mackin Via collection that is FREE and available for all teachers and students!
Another awesome eBook resource that is available through our AEA is the FollettShelf. Click on this link and you will be directed to the elementary FREE FollettShelf eBook collection! Click on this link and you will be directed to the secondary FREE FollettShelf eBook collection! Just enter your school's AEA username and password and you will be able to browse and start reading any eBook!
I also learned about our AEA online updates. We now have a great resource to use in our classrooms called AEA Digital Library. Visit this website, enter your AEA username and password, and browse the collection. You should be able to download any video you would like to use in your classroom to your computer.
A few other topics that were covered at this workshop included iPads in the classroom, ways in which eBooks can support literacy growth, and some new Google tools! Google now has a handy research tool that is available via Google Docs! Click on the following video to see how to use this awesome tool!
Google Docs Research Tool . I will definitely be using this with the 8th graders when it comes time to learn the research process!
Make sure to check out the Red Oak library website to see what other resources are available! All resources included in this blog post are available on our library website as well!!